Dr. David J. Pearce

Efficient Functions in Dafny

In developing an EVM in Dafny, a key requirement is to test it against the official EVM test suite. This means it needs to be at least reasonably efficient, otherwise completing a test run becomes impractical. At the same time, our DafnyEVM is intended to serve as a specification for which can be used to verify bytecode contracts (see e.g. here). This means we use Dafny functions to implement our EVM, rather than methods. For various reasons, a function in Dafny is fairly restricted and, for example, must use recursion instead of imperative-style loops. Dafny will exploit tail recursion to improve performance, but this is not always possible. Thus, we have a problem: we need to use functions for verification, but these are (sometimes) less efficient than methods.


To illustrate, consider the following method taken from our DafnyEVM:

function ToBytes(v:nat) : (r:seq<u8>)
ensures |r| > 0 {
  // Extract the byte
  var b : u8 := (v % 256) as u8;
  // Determine what's left
  var w : nat := v/256;
  if w == 0 then [b]
    ToBytes(w) + [b]

This converts an arbitrary-sized unsigned integer into a sequence of one or more bytes (in big endian form). When translating this into Java, Dafny regards it as tail recursive and generates (very roughly speaking) the following code:

List<Byte> ToBytes(v:BigInteger) {
  ArrayList<Byte> r = new ArrayList<>();
  while (true) {
    byte b = v.mod(_256).byteValue();
    BigInteger w = v.div(_256);
    if(w.signum() == 0) {
      return r;
} }

Dafny optimises the recursive call into a while loop — thereby making it (relatively) efficient. Consider now the analoguous operation which converts a sequence of bytes back into an arbitrary-sized unsigned integer:

function FromBytes(bytes:seq<u8>) : nat {
  if |bytes| == 0 then 0
    var last := |bytes| - 1;
    var byte := bytes[last] as nat;
    var msw := FromBytes(bytes[..last]);
    (msw * 256) + byte

Dafny does not recognise this as tail recursive and, hence, generates (very roughly speaking) the following Java:

BigInteger FromBytes(bytes: List<Byte>) {
  if bytes.length() == 0 {
    return BigInteger.ZERO;
  } else {
    int last = bytes.length() - 1;
    byte byte = bytes.get(last);
    bytes = bytes.subList(0,last);
    BigInteger msw = FromBytes(bytes);
    msw = msw.mul(_256);
    msw = msw.add(BigInteger.valueOf(byte & 0xff));
    return msw;
} }

Unfortunately, on the official Ethereum test suite this implementation raises a StackOverflowException on some tests. Specifically, on tests for certain precompiled contracts which generate very large integers from long byte sequences.

Function by method

Dafny supports a little-known feature (by method) which allows a function to be implemented using a method. This means the specification can still be given in the functional (i.e. recursive) style whilst the implementation is given in an imperative style (i.e. with loops).

To better understand this, consider the following example:

function sum(items: seq<nat>) : (r:nat) {
  if |items| == 0 then 0
  else items[0] + sum(items[1..])

This recursively computes the sum of a sequence of unsigned integers (nats). Using by method, we can add an imperative implementation like so:

function sum(items: seq<nat>) : (r:nat) {
  if |items| == 0 then 0
  else items[0] + sum(items[1..])
} by method {
  r := 0;
  var i : nat := |items|;
  while i > 0
  invariant r == sum(items[i..]) {
    i := i - 1;
    r := r + items[i];
} }

This uses a while loop to implement the functional specification. The key point is that Dafny automatically proves the imperative version correctly implements the functional specification. Whilst that is pretty amazing, Dafny does need help to do this: firstly, an invariant was needed to help Dafny match the loop and the recursive specification at each step; secondly, to make this work, the loop must traverse backwards through the sequence (which is perhaps not that intuitive). However, having done this, we now know sum() will not exhaust the call stack at runtime on large inputs!

We can now see the final version of our FromBytes() function from before:

function FromBytes(bytes:seq<u8>) : (r:nat) {
  if |bytes| == 0 then 0
    var last := |bytes| - 1;
    var byte := bytes[last] as nat;
    var msw := FromBytes(bytes[..last]);
    (msw * 256) + byte
} by method {
  r := 0;
  for i := 0 to |bytes|
  invariant r == FromBytes(bytes[..i]) {
    var ith := bytes[i] as nat;
    r := (r * 256) + ith;
  // Dafny needs help here :)
  assert bytes[..|bytes|] == bytes;
  // Done
  return r;

The by method implementation is similar to what we did for the sum() example, though Dafny requires slightly more hand-holding to show the while loop is equivalent to the recursive specification. In particular, a lemma LemmaFromBytes() is needed to help reestablish the loop invariant (not shown). Regardless, the net effect is the same — FromBytes() no longer exhausts the call stack on the official EVM test suite. That is a great result!


In languages like Dafny, a dichotomy exists between functional specifications and imperative implementations: Specifications must be functional so the underlying theorem prover can safely reason about them; on the other hand, algorithms are often more efficient when implemented using loops. The ability to seamlessly cross the divide between these two extremes is a unique feature of Dafny which (when the need arises) is compelling.