Dr. David J. Pearce

Verifying an Auction Contract in Whiley

Since Whiley is a general purpose verification system, I thought it might be interesting to try and verify a smart contract. Smart contracts are well suited to formal verification tools (like Whiley), as they are small and typically self-contained.

In this example, we’re going to work through a simple auction contract. The idea is that a seller is auctioning off some item in the real world, and trying to raise the highest price for it. My contract is intentionally simplified so its easier to work through. For example, the auction ends whenever the seller says it does rather than at some predefined point in time.

Version 1

Right, so let’s begin. Here’s our first version (which has lots of problems):

type Auction is {
   address seller,
   address bidder,
   uint256 bid

public Auction self = {seller: 0, bidder: 0, bid: 0}

public export method bid()
// New bid must be higher!
requires msg::value > self.bid:
   self.bidder = msg::sender
   self.bid = msg::value

public export method end()
// Only seller can end the auction!
requires msg::sender == self.seller:

Here, the seller is identifier by self.seller and the current highest bidder by self.bidder, along with their current highest bid. I’ve provided a default initialiser for self to make Whiley happy (in practice it would be initialised using a contract constructor). The requires clause in bid() ensures that any new bid is higher than the last. If this precondition is not met when bid() is called, the transaction will revert. Likewise, a requires clause is employed to ensure only the seller can end their auction.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of problems with this auction contract! Here are some of the things we would want to fix:

So, we want to fix our contract whilst, at the same time, exploiting Whiley as much as possible to catch problems.

Version 2

Right, let’s tackle the first problem above. To do this, we are going record how much can be reclaimed by a previous bidder. This is done asynchronously to prevent previous bidders from causing chaos (such as trying to block new bids by forcing out-of-gas conditions):

type Auction is {
   address seller,
   address bidder,
   uint256 bid,
   map<uint256> returns

public Auction self = { ..., returns: [0; MAX_UINT160+1]}

public export method bid()
requires msg::value > self.bid:
   // Calculate new return
   uint256 nret = self.returns[self.bidder] + self.bid
   // Update amount returnable to previous bidder
   self.returns[self.bidder] = nret
   self.bidder = msg::sender
   self.bid = msg::value

public export method withdraw():
   uint256 amount = self.returns[msg::sender]
   self.returns[msg::sender] = 0

public export method end()
requires msg::sender == self.seller:

Here, I’ve used a map<uint256> to map addresses to balances. To make Whiley happy, I’ve initialised it with an empty array covering the entire address space (which effectively models how the EVM initialises storage).

We can see that when a new bid comes in now, the previous highest bidder has their funds recorded in returns so they can reclaim it later using withdraw(). But, there are problems hidden here. If try to verify this contract, Whiley immediately tells us:

type invariant may not be satisfied
   uint256 nret = self.returns[self.bidder] + self.bid

This tells us that an integer overflow can occur here which would lead to an unexpected outcome. Granted, for the overflow to trigger it would (in this case) require an impossibly large amount of ether. But, that’s not the point. Overflows have caused serious problems in deployed contracts, and we want to avoid them. Common advice is to use safe math libraries for this which automatically revert on overflow. This is nice, but it does cost some gas to do the check! Instead, we can use Whiley to check the contract for us.

The question is: how can we prevent this overflow? Well, we just have to ensure that any new bid can be placed into returns. We can do this using a contract invariant as follows:

type Auction is {
where (returns[bidder] + bid) <= MAX_UINT256

Here, MAX_UINT256 is the maximum value representable by a uint256 (i.e. 2^256 - 1). This says that, for every highest bidder, there must be space in returns for their bid in the event they get ousted. Verifying our contract now gives a new error:

type invariant may not be satisfied
   self.returns[self.bidder] = nret

This makes sense because our invariant won’t hold after this assignment! That is there wouldn’t be space now to store bid again into returns. There are different ways to solve this, but a simple option is to reset the bid:

   uint256 nret = self.returns[self.bidder] + self.bid
   self.bid = 0
   self.returns[self.bidder] = nret

By reseting self.bid, the invariant on returns holds as we update it. Having done this, there is still another error:

type invariant may not be satisfied
   self.bid = msg::value

The issue is that we haven’t restricted the new bidder based on their bidding history. We can do this with another precondition:

public export method bid()
requires msg::value > self.bid
// Restrict bidder based on their history
requires self.returns[msg::sender] + msg::value <= MAX_UINT256

We are close now, but amazingly we still have a problem! Here is the error being reported:

type invariant may not be satisfied
   self.bid = msg::value

At this point, I had to scratch my head for a moment as I thought it should work. But, no — there is still an overflow bug! The problem occurs when the previous highest bidder and the new bidder are the same person. Again, there are different ways to solve this but the simplest is to prevent a bidder from besting themselves:

// Bidder cannot best themself
requires msg::sender != self.bidder
// Restrict bidder based on their history
requires self.returns[msg::sender] + msg::value <= MAX_UINT256:

And now it verifies! At this point, there is more we could do to tidy things up. For example, reseting the bid with self.bid = 0 was quite ugly and, with care, we can get rid of that. Likewise, we might want to double-check that self.bid actually increases after bid() is called, etc.

Version 3

The final issue is preventing multiple auction endings. For this, we can use a flag to signal when it has ended:

type Auction is {
   bool ended
} where (returns[bidder] + bid) <= MAX_UINT256

public export method bid()
// Cannot bid if auction over
requires !self.ended

public export method end()
// Cannot end auction more than once!
requires !self.ended
// Only seller can end the auction!
requires msg::sender == self.seller:
   // End the auction
   self.ended = true
   // Transfer the winnings

What we can see here is that, once ended has been set it cannot be unset. Thus, no bids can be accepted after this point and, likewise, end() cannot be called again. Note, withdraw() remains untouched and bidders can continue reclaiming funds well after the auction has ended.


If you made it this far then it should be pretty clear that managing even a simple issue like integer overflow is a tricky business. Using tools like Whiley can certainly help! At the same time, there are some obvious limitations as well:

Finally, code for the auction contract is available on GitHub. Furthermore, I should emphasise that this is something of a thought experiment on how Whiley could be used. At this time, Whiley does not compile to EVM bytecode and has no specific support for writing smart contracts. Still, others have been using it for verifying smart contracts so perhaps I should do something here!