Dr. David J. Pearce

Modelling Borrow Checking in Rust

Recently, I’ve been working on a formalisation of borrow checking in Rust. The idea is to help people think clearly about how borrow checking works (in someways perhaps similar to the Stacked Borrows work but with a different perspective). So, I thought it might be interesting to explore how this looks here.


To get started we’ll look at some simple programs which, for example, don’t even consider functions. Ignoring as much stuff as possible helps us stay focused. Here’s an example to illustrate:

  let mut x = 0;
  let mut p = &x;
  let mut q = Box::new(1);

Right after the three statements, we can view the borrow checker as having the following environment:

{ x: i32, p: &{x}, q: ☐i32 }

This says that x has type i32, that p is an immutable borrow of x and that q is a boxed i32. Whilst this is a simplified view, it still gives insight into how borrow checking works. For example, suppose the next statement is x = 0;. Then, the borrow checker can reject this because it sees x is already borrowed (ignoring non-lexical lifetimes for now). A simple rule is that we cannot assign or modify a variable which is borrowed in the environment.

The idea is that the model is as easy as possible to understand. Let’s look at a slightly more interesting example:

  let mut p = Box::new(0);
  let q = &*p;
  p = Box::new(1); // reject

Rust rejects this program with the following error:

error[E0506]: cannot assign to 'p' because it is borrowed
  --> src/main.rs:8:5
3  |     let q = &*p;
   |             --- borrow of 'p' occurs here
4  |     //
5  |     p = Box::new(1);
   |     ^ assignment to borrowed 'p' occurs here

This might seem a bit strange, but it makes sense if we consider how the environment at the point of the assignment:

{ p: ☐i32, q: &{*p} }

We see that q is borrowing through p and, hence, the borrow checker is unhappy as we are attempting to assign something which is borrowed in the environment.


In our environments borrows are represented as e.g. &{x}, and this might seem strange — why not just &x? There is a reason for this which we can see in the following:

  let mut x = 0;
  let mut y = 1;
  let mut p = &x;
  if ... { p = &y; }
  x = 1;

Here, if ... just represents some sensible condition. Again, Rust rejects this program because x may be borrowed at the point of the assignment. Looking at the environment right before the environment shows us why:

{ x:i32, y:i32, p:&{x,y} }

Here, &{x,y} should be taken to represent a borrow of either x or y (but we don’t know which one). In such cases, the borrow checker must be conservative and assume either borrow could hold and therefore reject the assignment.

In some cases, we might actually know better. For example:

fn f(a: i32) {
  let mut x = 0;
  let mut y = 1;
  let mut z = 2;
  let mut p = &x;
  if a > 0 { p = &y; }
  if a <= 0 { p = &z; }
  x = 1;

This program is safe as we know for certain that &x has expired at the point of the assignment. However, Rust still rejects this program because all the borrow checker sees before the assignment is this:

{ x:i32, y:i32, y:i32, p:&{x,y,z} }

That is, the borrower checker cannot reason about the conditionals themselves and must conservatively assume x is still borrowed.

Exploring the Model

At this point its important to highlight that this is just a model and is not a perfect representation of borrowing checking in Rust. Rather, its purpose is to give us some intuition into how borrow checking works. We can use it as a starting point for understanding the borrow checker.

For example, let’s consider this program which is a variation on one from above:

  let x = 0;
  let y = 1;
  let mut p = &x;
  let q = &*p;
  p = &y;

Unlike our example above, this is not rejected by the borrow checker. The environment right before the final assignment might be:

{ x: i32, y: i32, p: &x, q: &{*p} }

This suggests the program should be rejected, since we’re attempting to modify something which is borrowed (i.e. p). However, the borrow checker is quite sophisticated and (presumably) realises that &*p is equivalent to &x.

Now things start to get interesting! Consider the following small change:

  let mut x = 0;
  let mut y = 1;
  let mut p = &mut x;
  let q = &mut *p;
  p = &mut y;

This program is accepted by Rust today but was rejected by earlier versions of Rust (e.g. v1.35.0, edition 2015). Thus, we see how Rust’s own internal model changes over time (presumably, in this case, its related to the progressive roll-out of NLL). The point is, the model can provide a concrete datapoint to reason about what Rust is doing.

Improving the Model

There are still many aspects of Rust which are not captured in the model as described this far. For example, this program is rejected by Rust:

  let mut x = 123;
  let mut y = 456;
  let mut p = (&mut x,&mut y);
  let mut q = p.1;
  let z = p;

But, what does the environment look like before the assignment? Well, a simple approach is to use _ for something undefined. Then, the environment right before the final assignment is:

{ x: i32, y: i32, p: (&mut x, _), q: &{mut y} }

And now we can explain why the program is rejected: Rust doesn’t allow us to move a type containing _.

A follow up question is: does Rust allow us to copy a typing containing _? But, I’ll leave that as an exercise for the reader.


There are plenty of other things we haven’t touched on here. For example, the issue of type compatibility and, of course, non-lexical lifetimes. But, also, more complex issues around function invocations, lifetime parameters, generic types, etc. Whilst it is possible to extend the model to handle these, things do get complicated quite quickly! If you’re interested in seeing more about how to do that, check out my recent paper discussing it.