Dr. David J. Pearce

Understanding Generic Type Variance (in Whiley)

For languages which support generic types, an important question is deciding whether or not a type C<T> is a subtype of another related type C<S>. Since Whiley was recently extended to support generic types, its interesting to think about how this was handled. Firstly, let’s recap subtyping in Whiley:

type nat is (int n) where n >= 0

This defines a type nat as a subtype of int, meaning we can assign a nat to an int (but not the other way around). This makes sense as every value of nat is an int but not every int is a nat (e.g. -1).

Example 1

Let’s add a simple generic type to illustrate:

type Box<T> is { T item }

The question arising is whether or not Box<nat> is a subtype of Box<int>? Well, yes, this makes total sense! For example, the following is allowed:

Box<nat> b1 = {item:0}
Box<int> b2 = b1

In contrast the following is (quite rightly) not allowed:

Box<int> b1 = {item:-1}
Box<nat> b2 = b1

The above is not allowed because {item:-1} is clearly not a valid instance of Box<nat>.

Example 2

Now, let’s add another simple generic type:

type Pred<T> is function(T)->(bool)

Here, Pred<int> represents a lambda which accepts an int and returns a bool. So, is Pred<nat> a subtype of Pred<int>? This is an interesting question. Let’s create a function to illustrate:

function f_n(nat x) -> (bool r):

I’ve left out the function body here, since it isn’t important. If Pred<nat> is a subtype of Pred<int>, then the following should be allowed:

Pred<int> p = &f_n
bool y = p(-1)

(Here, &f_n returns a reference to function f_n() and has type Pred<nat>)

But, isn’t there a problem here? Yes, there is! If Pred<nat> is a subtype of Pred<int> then (as illustrated above) we can call f_nat(-1)which does not make sense.


In summary, Box<nat> should be a subtype of Box<int>, but Pred<nat> should not be a subtype of Pred<int>. So, for a given type C<T>, how can we tell which way around it is? Good question! We need some theory here:

From this, it follows that Box<T> is covariant in T, whilst Pred<T> is contravariant in T. But how do we know this? Well, roughly speaking, it really stems from the fact that function(T)->(S) is contravariant in T and covariant in S. Therefore, any generic type containing a function type is constrained accordingly. For example:

type BoxFn<T> is {
  function test(T)->(bool),

The presence of field test imposes a constraint that BoxFn<T> cannot be covariant in T. However, it can still be contravariant — but this depends on what other fields it contains. For example, the following variation is contravariant in T:

type BoxFn<T> is {
  function test(T)->(bool),
  int value

In contrast, the following is invariant in T:

type BoxFn<T> is {
  function test(T)->(bool),
  T value

The reason this is invariant is that the field T value imposes a constraint that T cannot be contravariant. Combining the constraints from both fields leaves only one possibility!


Whiley follows Rust in adopting definition-site variance for generic types which (for example) differs from the approach taken in Java. This means the permitted subtyping relationships for a type are determined at its definition-site (i.e. declaration). In contrast, Java supports use-site variance through wildcards (e.g. we can give ArrayList<? extends Number> for a variable’s type). Obviously there are some pros/cons here, but that’s a story for another day…


  1. Taming the Wildcards: Combining Definition and Use-Site Variance, J. Altidor, S. Huang and Y Smaragdakis. In PLDI'11. PDF

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