Dr. David J. Pearce

What Kind of Revert are You?

Reverting is tough.  There’s no doubt about it!  I don’t mean tough as in technically challenging — no, version control systems make this easy!  I mean tough as in mentally challenging.  You’re faced with days or weeks of effort going down the drain, and you have to decide when to pull the plug.  Sure, it’ll still be in your history somewhere.  But, you’ll probably never get it out again.  And, if you do, it won’t integrate with the latest version as this is constantly marching on.

At some point though, you know it’s time.  You made a bad call, and you need to undo that and get back on track. It seems there are few different way to end up in this situation:

So, the question right now as I stare at my code is: what kind of revert are you?