Dr. David J. Pearce

Regular Tree Automata

In my quest to understand the theory of recursive types in more detail, the notion of regular tree languages and Tree Automata has cropped up.  These have been used, amongst other things, for describing XML schemas.  They are also useful for describing recursive types as well!

A nice example of a regular tree language is one for minimising boolean expressions.  The  constructors of the language are True, False, Not/1, And/2 and Or/2. The regular tree language looks thus:

Expr -> True
     | False
     | Not(Expr)
     | And(Expr,Expr)

This should look pretty familiar to anyone who’s studied context-free and/or regular languages before.  A simple (deterministic) bottom-up tree automata can then be defined using the following state transitions:

True --> q1            Not(q0) --> q1
False --> q0           Not(q1) --> q0
And(q0,q0) --> q0      And(q1,q0) --> q0
And(q0,q1) --> q0      And(q1,q1) --> q1

I guess the interesting question is how this differs from general regular languages.  They appear to be very similar — for example, they support minimisation, intersection and union (amongst other things).  Likewise, the relationship with context-free grammar is interesting … although I haven’t got to the bottom of that yet.

Anyway, a good reference on this subject is the book Tree Automata Techniques and Applications.